Saturday 18 October 2008

Open FREE Internet banking accounts to receive payment.

Generally, the Internet trades in US dollars wherever you are in the world and payment through an online service is a more economic way of exchanging dollars to your local currency than paying in a Exchequer to your bank. Many affiliate programs require you to have an online account from one of the major services so it is prudent to join them all. You can also pay on line for services like web site hosting and purchases at auctions for instance. They are free to join

Get a free email address from inboxto use and keep your main address for private use and spam free(-re!). They have recently increased your space to 2Gb or 5Gb, depending on your country, but it still pays to keep your In box tidy. Good housekeeping!
Make a folder called, say, 'Keep', and put in there all emails with your sign-up details for programs you have joined. It will be easier for you to keep your
inbox clear and avoid deleting important information by mistake.

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